Argo Blockchain Looks to Become More Energy Sustainable.

20 Aug 2021, 08:00
Argo Blockchain Looks to Become More Energy Sustainable Crypto mining firm Argo Blockchain has become the first official company of its kind to release a climate plan to carry it through the future. Argo Blockchain Is Looking to Be More Environmentally FriendlyThe idea of crypto mining is necessary to ensure digital blockchains are consistently supplied with new tokens. However, the process has been quite controversial over the past few months given that it is allegedly causing irreversible damage to the planet according to many environmentalists. There are several people out there who would like to see the world of crypto come crashing down given that it allegedly hurts the planet. This attitude is backed by several leading members of the crypto space, Elon Musk being a big one. The CEO of both Tesla and SpaceX announced several months ago that he was willing to permit bitcoin and crypto payments for vehicles through his former company. However, this decision was later rescinded when Musk claimed that the mining process was harmful to Earth’s atmosphere. He said he wanted to see few emissions and less reckless strategies amongst mining companies before he could say “yes” to crypto payments for either of his companies.